Tuesday, December 1, 2009

life drawing

when i told one of the students as school that i do life drawing on a saturday.. she asked, "do you sometimes draw naked people?"... i had to laugh .. she was so wide-eyed. it made me realise how innocent children are, even when they are teenagers and full of bravado.

this drawing/painting is done by drawing with crayon first, then cutting back into the drawing with white acrylic paint .. its on canvas paper and was done in a ten minute pose .. i love the immediacy of painting in short time windows .. it makes me less precious about the outcome ..

i love to draw, i always have. ever since i was a child i have drawn.. my father was an artist, and he always had something on the go .. a drawing, painting, ceramic piece .. so, now that i am all grown-up, i always have something on the go too .. drawing, painting, stitching, print.....

but life drawing is a constant .. it keeps my head above water in my busy day-to-day life as an educator .. it gives me three hours a fortnight to myself .. it gives me the companionship of people who also value their creativity .. but most of all it gives my head some space, some time to reflect and create ..


  1. I thought I loved to draw, until I took a drawing class. It totally ruined drawing for me. It wasn't because I was particularly bad at it. I was as good as most of my classmates, but I just did not find any joy in the process. I was taking a drafting course at the same time, and found I much prefered the straight line of a ruler and the perfect circle of a protractor to the imperfection of the hand. But I still appreciate what others draw. You are very taleneted. Glad I ran across this.

  2. thankyou so much danna.. drawing with paint is such a joy ..
